Fill a small to medium sized pot with a minimum of 6 cups of water and bring to a boil. Then add your stick of butter (grass fed, shroom fed, organic, regular, salted, etc) doesn’t matter, as long as it’s one stick of butter.
Reduce the heat to a simmer and leave the pot uncovered.
Once the butter has melted and the water is gently simmering, add your ground hemp flower to the pot. Stir so that the hemp flower is distributed evenly in the pot. The simmering hemp flower mixture will release the terpenes and smells that one associates with “weed”, so be sure you are in a well ventilated area if you care about the smell.
Continue to simmer your hemp flower between 1 and 2 hours. The longer you simmer, the more cannabinoids you will extract out of your hemp flower. After 2 hours, your mixture has reached close to the full extraction potential and it is time to turn off the heat.
Pro Tip • Continue to stir and add a little water to your mixture as it evaporates during the simmering process. At no point should the water be boiling, if the water boils, it’s too hot and the cannabinoids will degrade. So keep it low and slow!